A book blog has always been a thought in the back of my head, collecting dust for the someday it would become more than a cobweb in my mind and become something in actuality. I suppose that someday is today.
I’ve always been an avid reader since I was young and while my taste in books has evolved over my lifetime the love of reading is something I’ve held tight to with both hands. As a woman in her thirties my reading preferences are rather varied but the through line for everything I read and love is always fiction. Reading is my escape, my entertainment, and my window into the impossible. Reading, for me, is a chance to leave my everyday life and visit somewhere else for a time. I read once that to be a reader is to live many lives and I think perhaps that is my favorite way to explain the feeling of getting lost in a good book.
I plan to collect my book reviews and musings here. Genres I primarily read are horror, speculative fiction, magical realism, thrillers, romance, paranormal, cozy reads, and other odd or strange fiction. If any of that sounds interesting to you, dear reader, then I hope you might stick around and find your next new favorite read along with me…